Duration: 8:30
Instrumentation: 2 Soprano Saxophones
Premiere: October 5, 2016, Bezanson Recital Hall // University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA
Premiere performer: Ogni Suono (Noa Even, Phil Pierick)
Publisher: A-Town Publications (ASCAP) © 2016
Clamor was commissioned by Ogni Suono Saxophone Duo, Noa Even & Phil Pierick. Funded in part by SaxoVoce Project Sponsors Trudy & Joseph Pierick.
From FCR213: Ogni Suono: SaxoVoce
Program Note:
Circles of instrumental racket, vocal noise, and sounds from somewhere-in-between, Clamor for two vocalizing saxophonists, is an 8-minute over-saturation of human + instrument. The eggs were not removed from the stove in a timely fashion. —Erin Rogers (2016)
”Erin Rogers‘ Clamor contains a sobering message beneath its veneer of humorous stream-of-consciousness vocalizations. A concentrated outburst of surreal phrases and exhilarating noise-heavy saxophone techniques, Clamor’s textual gems include “one, two, three, four, five, six, B-FLAT,” “not sure why he drank three cups of milk,” and “I love avocado toast,” to name a few. Towards the end of the piece, however, Even unleashes a stream of word battery in which phrases like “over-easy embryos,” “congressional pork sausage,” “global warming hot cake,” and “farm-to-table legislation” are audible. The use of politically charged words casts a different light on the mayhem—becoming a depiction of present-day political and capitalistic excesses. Roger’s Clamor is a perfect album closer, showcasing the sheer breadth of exploration Ogni Suono is capable of.”
—Daniel Schreiner, I Care If You Listen [Full article]
“players shout, scream and whisper numbers, names of foods and other random words.”
—Jennifer Hambrick, WOSU Radio [Full article]
“Erin Rogers’ humorous Clamor (2016) for two vocalizing saxophonists on soprano instruments lives up to its name. Opening with the shouting of “one, two, three, four, B-flat,” the players launch into the jazzy music while continuing to blurt out frenzied phrases like “help me I’m trapped in the coffee maker,” and “not sure why he drank three cups of milk,” among numerous other Jabberwockian sentences. Clamor is a fun way to conclude the album.”
—Mike Telin, [Full article]
“Erin Rogers’ “Clamor” involves percussive noises and energetic rhythmic counterpoint interspersed between spoken phrases, similar to the Dietz’s piece earlier on the album. The fragmented phrases seem to be nonsense, but there are clear elements of the text relating to modern political concerns and issues surrounding capitalism. Fans of Rogers’ work with thingNY and Popebama will surely be pleased with her contribution to this album, and it acts as the perfect closer to an incredibly ambitious and wonderfully executed album.” —John Fielder, klangnewmusic [Full article]