Devil’s Dance! The Warszynski Trio plays works by Works by G. Andrix, S. Chatman, S. Godin, R. Hannah, M. Horwood, M. K. Pishny-Floyd, E. Rogers, and J. Sobieraj
The Warszynski Trio
(Tatiana Warszynski and Joanna Ciapka Sangster, violins; Mikolaj Warszynski, piano)
Saturday, June 16th, 8:00pm – Convocation Hall, University of Alberta
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The Warszynski Trio was founded to commission and play Canadian and international works for two violins and piano, or any combination of these three instruments – from solo to trio. Over the years the trio members have commissioned, premièred and/or given performances of works by a host of Canadian and foreign composers. They have presented those works at the Edmonton and Saskatchewan New Music Festivals as well as at frequent recital appearances. Recent commissions include new pieces from Scott Godin (Montréal), George Andrix, Thom Golub, Piotr Grella-Mozejko and Jacek Sobieraj (all from Edmonton). The three musicians will be recording their first CD, devoted to Canadian New Music, in the Summer of 2007.