thingNY in Calgary – Bug Incision!

Date: April 24, 2014
Time: 8:30 pm

Bug Incision presents thingNY in Calgary, Alberta:

This Takes Place Close By is a new theatrical work-in-progress from New York experimental music collective, thingNY. Developed and performed by thingNY’s composer-performers, Gelsey Bell, Andrew Livingston, Paul Pinto, Erin Rogers, Dave Ruder and Jeffrey Young, This Takes Place Close By is a set of operatic meditations on the difficulty of talking about natural disasters from a geographical and temporal distance. In this concert version, the work explores the eerie and the absurd through instrumental and sonic soundscapes, song and whispered speech, disjointed sentences and linguistic play, and offers a look at the mediating technologies that enable us to spectate as other parts of the world are destroyed, as well as a critical perspective on how those technologies shape and separate us. Scenes revolve around the themes of darkness, quietness, and loneliness, exploring the private terrors of those trapped in wreckage, the confusion of loved ones and spectators, and the cynicism of those who see the destruction as romantic desolation. The piece will be developed over the next year, leading to a theatrical run in New York in 2015. This is thingNY’s first time performing in Canada.

Thursday, April 24, 2014
Emmedia Screening Room
351 11 Ave SW #203 (enter from 11th ave side, 2nd floor)
Doors at 8:00, show 8:30

Posted on April 16, 2014 by erin

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