The Others

duration: 9:00
instrumentation: fl, bcl, tsax, vn, vcl, elec gtr, pno, perc (+ elec)
premiere: Dec 19, 2024 // Dimenna Center for Classical Music
premiere performer: Ensemble IPSE + Hypercube
publisher: A-Town Publications (ASCAP) © 2024

The Others was written for a collaborative initiative between IPSE and Hypercube featuring the core players of both ensembles.

Program Note:

The Others is inspired by track 2 of the 2017 Nine Inch Nails’ album, “Add Violence.” The title alludes to the 2024 US political landscape in a time of increasing isolationism on both ends of the political spectrum. —Erin Rogers (2024)

The Others is under exclusivity and currently not available for purchase. If interested in presenting this work, please email directly: erogers23(at)