Calling all New Music Ensembles

Date: November 14, 2010

RAM announces a call for proposals from new music ensembles or individual artists dedicated to performing new music to participate in RAM’s new concert series.

While RAM is NYC-based, our home neighborhood is located in the borough of Queens–and several of our member composers reside in Queens neighborhoods. The borough of Queens has a long reputation of being under-represented and under-served by the new music community.

RAM plans to change this.

In 2011, we will present live concerts of new music by some of the best ensembles and individual performers from New York by offering performance space and logistical help to ensembles and individual performers that would like to help RAM further our mission of bringing new music to new audiences.

WHERE: All the concerts will take place at The Secret Theatre, 44-02 23rd Street, Long Island City, NY. The Secret Theatre is just 3 blocks from the PS1 art museum and just a 4 block walk (or less) from the N, W, R, E, V, G and 7 trains. Long Island City has a burgeoning arts scene, with the Fisher Landau Center for Art , the Dorsky Gallery, the Noguchi Museum, the SculptureCenter, the Flux Factory and a dozen other flourishing arts groups all located nearby. The Secret Theatre is home to 2 performance spaces—a large space that seats 70+ and a smaller, more intimate space, that seats 30+.

The Secret Theatre will provide a box office with one attendant. They will also offer light refreshments for purchase by the audience.

WHAT: RAM is accepting proposals from all groups and all genres of new music. However, at this time The Secret Theatre does not own or have a performance-quality piano. Electronic or digital instruments may be used in the space, though.

The agreement between RAM, the performing ensembles, and the Secret Theatre will stipulate that The Secret Theatre will receive half of the proceeds from ticket sales while the performing ensemble receives the other half. RAM will take nothing. Secret Theatre must be guaranteed $75 for the performance, to meet their basic costs of lighting, sound, and box office staff. The use of the theater will be free. RAM will act as the curator of the series and will serve as a liason between the performers and The Secret Theatre. RAM will also offer logistical support and some web advertising via this website and social media such as facebook.

THE PROPOSAL: All proposals must be submitted via email to The proposal should be no longer than 1 page long, should be submitted as a pdf document, and should include the following information:

* Name of the ensemble or individual artists
* Names of ensemble artistic personnel
* A short description (1 or 2 paragraphs) of the proposed concert
* 2-5 internet links to audio clips or videos of the performing ensemble. If links are not available, please submit 1 or 2 mp3s of performances—no more than 20 megabytes TOTAL
* Email address and name of contact person
* Any dates that cannot be scheduled by your ensemble (we have wide latitude for performance dates, so we can work closely with any group to provide an acceptable performance date)

Preference will be given to proposals with an entire concert program of 1 hour of music or more.

PROPOSAL DEADLINE: Sunday, November 14, 2010

We look forward to hearing from you!
Random Access Music Composers’ Collective

For more information, visit:

October 27, 2010

Tonus Vivus Society presents Anubis Quartet – works by Crutchley, Stolte, Grella-Mozejko and Rogers.

Date: November 6, 2010
Time: 8:00 pm

Anubis Saxophone Quartet
Saturday, 6 November 2010, 8:00 P.M.
Ledcor Theatre, Art Gallery of Alberta
2 Sir Winston Churchill Square Northwest

Admission $20 (adults) and $10 (students and seniors)

works by:
E. Rogers, I. Crutchley, D. Fujikura, P. Grella-Możejko, B. Hjertmann, F. Lévy, A. Llaneza, C. Stolte

performed by:
Anubis Saxophone Quartet (Allison Balcetis, Ryan Muncy, Sean Patayanikorn, David Wegehaupt)

September 7, 2010

Chicago – Anubis Quartet Season Opener

Date: November 4, 2010
Time: 7:30 pm

Anubis QuartetCHICAGO SERIES Opener!  Featuring Kris Covlin, saxophone

Thursday, November 4, 2010     7:30pm
Nichols Concert Hall at the Music Institute of Chicago
1490 Chicago Avenue, Evanston, IL


Dai Fujikura: Reach Out

Erin Rogers: Duluth

Urs Leimgruber: Pulsar (US Premiere)

Pablo Chin: Como La Leyenda de la Gran Muralla China (US Premiere)

Aristides Llaneza: The second time I have looked out the window (US Premiere)

RYOT PROJECT with new music by Philippe Leroux, Lee Hyla, Aaron Einbond, Thierry Alla, Robert Lemay,
Etienne Rolin, Urs Leimgruber, Marcos Balter, David Reminick   (World Premiere)

For more information, visit

October 6, 2010

ADDDDDDDDD in Pittsburgh

Date: October 15, 2010
Time: 8:00 pm


an opera by thingNY

Friday, Oct. 15, 2010 – 8pm

Part of the Joan Chambers Concert Series
University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg
Campana Chapel
150 Finoli Drive
Greensberg, PA 15601

FREE and open to the public

Focus. The composers of thingNY will tell you stories, sing you songs, scream in your face, try to sell you stuff and rant recklessly to themselves, filling your ears with the sweet sounds of excess. This new experimental opera by NYC’s freshest avant-garde band highlights the everyday excesses of our lives (workaholism, the thrill of consumption, the joys of gluttony, the elation of libation) and turns them into a suite of attention-deficient songs, monologues and infomercials.

For four years, new music ensemble thingNY has fused fluxus-esque experimentation with theatrically-charged chamber music. For its first album, this “creative new music cabal” [Time Out New York] has chosen to release a comic book + CD package of their experimental opera, ADDDDDDDDD.

With influences from Robert Ashley, Berg, Boulez, Braxton and Bjork, thingNY’s collaboratively-composed ADDDDDDDDD is an opera exploring the sweet sounds of excess. In a poetically verbose blend of noise, song, and spoken word, the five composer/performers highlight the everyday excesses of our lives as told through chants, rants, and advertising jingles.

The opera opens with the both earnest and absurd prologue, “Stories by Interesting People” but quickly becomes a montage of numbers, appointments, peeves, dreams and commercial interruptions in five-part harmony.

The album is now available, and its accompanying comic book libretto features artwork from various artists and musicians, including some of the band.

The New Yorker’s Alex Ross listed thingNY as part of the city’s burgeoning avant-garde classical music scene “striking an attitude of resistance to mainstream culture.” Comprised of composer-performers from the NYC metro area, thingNY revels in creating and performing unrelenting experimental new works with passion and enthusiasm, oscillating between the “sweeter sounds” and the “punishingly loud.” Since its first performance in October 2006, thingNY has produced four seasons of experimental music including a radio play by Beckett, a collaboratively-created opera and over a hundred premieres.

For more information, please contact Chris Bartley,
Music Director, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg
(724) 836-7120

September 28, 2010

thingNY’s ADDDDDDDDD featured on New Music Box

Date: August 31, 2010
August 3, 2010