Random Access Music teams up with the Lost Dog Ensemble to present an evening of momentous new works by David Fetherolf, Jonathan Pieslak, Erin Rogers, Manly Romero and Allen Schulz, featuring guest artists Tadd and Erica Sipes, and a special presentation of Eco di un tempo perduto (fl, cl, vn, vc, pf) by Italian composer, Massimo Lauricella, winner of the 2009, RAM call for scores.
Tickets are $20 each ($15 for students/seniors) To order online, follow the link: (coming soon)
Hope to see you in the streets!
Saturday, April 25 at 8pm
University of the Streets
130 East 7th St (b/w 1st Ave and Avenue A), 2nd floor
East Village (SW corner of Tompkins Square Park)
subway directions:
L Train to 1st Avenue stop, walk south to 7th St, East to Avenue A
6 Train to Astor Place stop, walk East to Avenue A, South to 7th St
R/W Trains to 8th St (NYU) stop, walk East to Avenue A, South to 7th St
F/V Trains to 2nd Ave stop, walk North to 7th St, East to Avenue A